Sunday Stillness - Exams
It’s Sunday Fun Day!
How did everyone do with ideas on times when they can mediate? Here are some ideas from your fellow Sunday Stillness tribe:
Waiting at the Doctors office
Waiting in the pick up line - to get your kids
In the shower
At the spa
Putting together a puzzle
Communing in nature
During your lunch
After dinner
At the pool
Those are all great ideas…thank you for sharing! Meditation is a portable paradise.
Now, I would love to hear how those times work for you….did they fit in nicely in your routine?
This week; we'll this week is where I am going to need your help. Remember, a few weeks back I shared a bit about Ayurveda? (See Sunday Stillness June 11th).
Well, starting tomorrow is my teacher training week (which is full of learning, presentations and exams) it goes until Sunday. A full seven days - YIKES!
I can’t wait to share more Ayurveda/Perfect Health with you. Come next Sunday, I will have received my second certification from the Chopra Center. I will be certified in Perfect Health.
Expanding my education; I will be able to share with you a balanced approach to healing. Where Western medicine tends to take a fragment approach addressing only the symptoms of disease and seeing health as merely an absence of illness.
I will be able to provide you the friendly remembers your mind and body already knows…that everything is connected. Stress and unresolved personal issues can manifest as digestive distress or stomach pain, chronic fatigue and may be the result of unexpressed emotions… so the whole person must be addressed in order to create radiant wellbeing.
You and I can meet one on one and learn the best mind/body practices specifically for you-foryour perfect health. Exciting right!
So, if you could hold me in our thoughts this week; as I am wrapping up my training and taking my exams. To ensure I absorb all that is necessary to be ready to share with you. I would be extremely grateful.
And I will hold you in all my thoughts; as I am absorbing all that is necessary to provide you the guidance and friendly reminders for your perfect health.
Okay, better get back prepping for this week.
See you in stillness,
Founder of
Certified Meditation Instructor | Reiki Master | Mentor